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Linux is completely a command based Operating system which is based on a Linux Kernel. Linux operating system is no-way similar to windows operating system which is very user friendly and easy to use.So its very important to the basic partition types before formatting or partitioning a disk in Linux Operating system.Its not mandatory but we should know it before doing any such action actions which is highly risky.

A partition is a label to a certain amount of disk disk space in disk to host a certain kind of file system.To see the  list of partition types and their codes, jus execute this code.

/sbin/sfdisk –T

Basic partition types

1.Foreign Partition:- Foreign file system include windows NTFS and FAT file system.

2. Primary Partition:- The original partition table on an intel based system was installed as a part of boot sector and held only four partition entries.For this, reason we can have only four primary partition in linux and no extended partition or we can have 3 logical partition and 1 extended partition.

Primary Partition

3. Logical Partition:- The sub-partitioned partition of a primary partition is called logical partition.No other partition can be sub-partitioned.

Logical Partition

4. Swap Partition:- The kernel free up RAM space by writing pages to disk.This is called swap spaces.It can speed up the system but is not a substitute for RAM.

This information is required before partitioning and formatting disk in Linux.

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