I will explain the ways to Install Ubuntu Linux on your computer/laptop. There are three ways of Installing Ubuntu, which are as follows:


1). Dual-booting

Boot into Windows or using an Ubuntu Live CD, you have to insert your Ubuntu Live CD to your CD-ROM drive and reboot your PC.

2). Installing within Windows

Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer for Windows users that can bring you the Linux Community. Using Wubi to install Ubuntu is just like installing some Windows software,
and is equally risk-free. There’s even an uninstall option added to
Add/Remove Programs.

I would like to urge to all Ubuntu beginner to use this way of installing.


3). Virtual computer

By downloading a virtual computer application, such as the free-of-charge VMware Player, you can install Ubuntu so it runs within a program window on the Window desktop.

A virtual computer is effectively a complete computer recreated in software. It offers an excellent way to trial Ubuntu, although the limitations of the virtual computer software mean you won’t experience Ubuntu to its full advantage (desktop visual effects won’t work, for example). Additionally, you’ll need a power PC with over 1 GB of memory for optimal results.

Next time, I will write about Preparing your PC for Ubuntu.