I just discovered a nice improvement by Microsoft regarding maintainability of Windows .I was experiencing some screen disturbance and flicking among drawn windows and taskbar on my desktop. It didn’t bothered me much because I thought its some lag in the Beta version. Then I noticed the action center and saw this popup:

Windows 7 automatically detected the problem I was having with the display driver of my PC and put it up in the action center for resolving. I clicked Open Action Center and saw the problem to be queued up in the maintenance category:


It showed a brief description and by clicking View problem response button it came up with a solution. It told me to download the latest driver that resolved the issue.


Now the display driver seems all set and best as ever. This shows Windows 7 is more friendlier than any other operating system in the market when it comes to maintaining and tuning up your PC. As far as I think, Windows 7 delivers better performance with real time monitoring of your system to makes sure if your hardware is calibrated and tuned up for the best experience you can have with your PC. It must have been a big challenge to engineer Windows 7 with real time detection of PC problems without compromising the system performance. It’s inspiring and will help to shine up Window’s image in the OS market.